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 Hard Rock Hallelujah

Aşağa gitmek 
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Mesaj Sayısı : 190
Yaş : 28
Location : Ankara
Kayıt tarihi : 13/08/07

Hard Rock Hallelujah Empty
MesajKonu: Hard Rock Hallelujah   Hard Rock Hallelujah Icon_minitimeÇarş. Ağus. 22, 2007 1:34 pm

şimdi müzikle ilgili herşeye şarkı sözü de girer galiba ...

Hard Rock Hallelujah!
Hard Rock Hallelujah!

The saints are crippled
On this sinners' night
Lost are the lambs with no guiding light

The walls come down like thunder
The rocks about to roll
It's the arockalypse
Now bare your soul

All we need is lightning
With power and might
Striking down the prophets of FALSE
As the moon is rising
Give us the sign
Now let us rise up in awe

Rock 'n roll angels bring that Hard Rock Hallelujah
Demons and angels all in one have arrived
Rock 'n roll angels bring thine Hard Rock Hallelujah
In God's creation supernatural high

The true believers
Thou shall be saved
Brothers and sisters, keep strong in the faith.
On the day of Rockoning
It's who dares, wins
You will see the jokers soon'll be the new kings

All we need is lightning
With power and might
Striking down the prophets of FALSE
As the moon is rising
Give us the sign
Now let us rise up in awe

Rock 'n roll angels bring that Hard Rock Hallelujah
Demons and angels all in one have arrived
Rock 'n roll angels bring thine Hard Rock Hallelujah
In God's creation supernatural high

Wings on my back
I got horns on my head
My fangs are sharp
And my eyes are red
Not quite an angel
Or the one that fell
Now choose to join us or go straight to Hell

Hard Rock Hallelujah!
Hard Rock Hallelujah!
Hard Rock Hallelujah!
Hard Rock Yeah!

Rock 'n roll angels bring that Hard Rock Hallelujah
Demons and angels all in one have arrived
Rock 'n roll angels bring thine Hard Rock Hallelujah
In God's creation supernatural high

Hard Rock Hallelujah!
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Hard Rock Hallelujah
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